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How to Run Effective Remote Board Meetings

When most boards moved to remote meetings during the outbreak, many organizations realized that running effective meetings in a digital environment requires a different approach from traditional face-to-face meetings for board members. Here are a few key best methods to help you manage your meetings more effectively.

Start with a clear agenda. Lack of organization can result in committee and board meetings to diverge. An agenda that has clearly defined time frames for each topic helps keep the meeting focused. Allowing attendees to create an agenda prior to the meeting can be a great way to involve participants early in the meeting and give them ownership.

Be sure that all participants in the meeting are aware Continue Reading of the board portals and their features. The more comfortable board members feel with the platform, the easier it is for them to take part in the meeting. It is also essential that all attendees test out their audio and video equipment prior to the time of the meeting. Encourage them to do this in a clean and quiet space, away from distractions like television noise or barking dogs.

Promote a culture that encourages friendship during virtual meetings. Encourage everyone to tell something about themselves prior to when the meeting starts to build confidence. It’s also important to ask for feedback at the end of the meeting, which helps increase board participation and lets board members know that their input is important.

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